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The Fighter Jet Formula: Entrepreneur Course for Home Business Seekers

The Fighter Jet Formula: Entrepreneur Course for Home Business Seekers

Product Name: The Fighter Jet Formula: Entrepreneur Course for Home Business Seekers

Click here to get The Fighter Jet Formula: Entrepreneur Course for Home Business Seekers at discounted price while it’s still available…

The Fighter Jet Formula: Entrepreneur Course for Home Business Seekers

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Fighter Jet Formula: Entrepreneur Course for Home Business Seekers is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


right now, you can join the ‘top gun’ academy of online entrepreneurs and start your own high-profit business from home in as little as 31 days! 

… This brand-new Fighter Jet Formula home study course puts you directly in the pilot’s seat to become ‘the best of the best’ when it comes to making money online by selling simple, pre-made information products…

Dear frustrated Entrepreneur, 

Have you ever noticed that everything new can at first just seem hard to understand?

When, in reality, it’s pretty simply?

Here’s a prime example.

I was chatting with an online marketing friend a couple of days ago and he was telling me about a conversation he had had with a real life ‘Maverick’ fighter pilot … who had been taught to fly by the US Navy.

This fighter pilot had recently retired from active service and had then started a new business as an author, speaker, and online career coach – passing on the wisdom he’d learned during his flying career.

He was explaining how making money online was just like flying an F-18 Fighter Jet.

… When he said you just need to “Pull the stick towards you… The buildings get smaller… Push the stick away from you… And the buildings get bigger…”

It sounds simplistic, right?

But, if there’s no one to show you around the cockpit… It can quite easily seem a little overwhelming. Especially if you have never flown before.

“You make more offers… you make more money… you make little or no offers… you make no money…. “

And that got me thinking.

It’s true. The people making the most amount of money online, have multiple offers…

… And those struggling…  are either yet to start and don’t have a product yet… or they only have one product… but don’t have any prospects or a list to talk to about their new product.

And that set off my imagination… and I set about working on a set of plans that anyone could follow that would break down the entire process into what is effectively a ‘painting by numbers’ process and includes all the steps you need to take onboard in an easy to understand way…

… I guess, just like what happens when you push the stick on the F-18 away from you. 🙂

I’ll come to that process in just a moment and how you can, if you’d like to, get your hands on a copy of it today…

But first, here’s another ‘eye opener’  that the ex-fighter pilot shared… He explained that he didn’t build the actual plane… That he didn’t service the plane… That he didn’t even fuel the plane… Other people did that…

… He just enjoyed flying the plane.

And that got me thinking… Why do so many people struggle trying to create their own products to sell online from scratch … When there is a much, much easier way….

In a moment I will explain how you can master the art of selling simple information products online for ‘peanuts’ compared to any other kind of business… and how you can get started completely risk free.

But first, let me ask you a couple of questions to see whether the life of a online information marketer is right for you:

If like me, you share this dream… Then I’d like to share with you an easy way to ‘once-and-for-all’  turn your finances around… and finally start to make some money online.

Introducing The Brand New Fighter Jet Formula 

Well, I’ve done something about it. The result is that I have produced an information-packed easy-to-follow 31-day training guide called, The Fighter Jet Formula.

A system I truly believe can rapidly change your life.

After all, am I not just creating competition for myself by introducing you to the idea of selling information products online for yourself?

If you understood the Information Marketing business (as you soon will), you wouldn’t actually even ask that. Because the demand for information online each day is just so incredibly huge … and is getting bigger by the day.

And this means that the possibilities, and sheer number of people seeking information online today, is almost infinite….

This is a growth industry, and one you’d be clever to get started with.And The Fighter Jet Formula can get you a foothold in that industry, fast. 

Let’s look at how it can do that..

A Step-By-Step Flight Training Manual That Will Teach You How To Launch First Successful Misison In 31 Days Or Less…

For the first time, a step-by-step system that anyone can follow despite their age, location, or past experience.

What you’ll discover is the simple process you can use like clockwork to uncover a very healthy profit for yourself each and every month.

In fact, some people have generated much, much more than that.

Here’s what he recently said about the experience:

And he is not the only ‘maverick’ entrepreneur having fun selling simple information products online.

I’ve just found a list of others having just as much fun and success with their own Information Marketing Missions.

Here’s another half dozen of them…

Just look at the dates… These are all recent… in the last couple of weeks…

And I could go on and on, finding plenty more examples for you.

But I think you get the point, selling simple information products online is a fantastic business to get into…as shown below….But I think you get the point, selling simple information products online is a fantastic business to get into… and yes… even when you’re just getting started … and selling a low volume of products and very reasonable prices. Just take a look at the table below to see how things can add up extremely quickly…

But listen, while I haven’t got much space on this webpage to reveal everything to you, I would like to point out some of the things you’ll not only learn, but master, when you get your personal copy of the Fighter Jet Formula course today…

I Truly Can’t Imagine Anyone Who Couldn’t Make Money From This…

Well, I could go on and on, but I’m sure you are beginning to get the picture. There is so much in this breakthrough 31-day program … remarkable information which you’ll be discovering for the first time.

It will teach you the real power behind the information marketing business … it will show you how ordinary, everyday people like you and me are able to make so much money from marketing simple information products online.

In fact, armed with this knowledge, I truly can’t imagine anyone who couldn’t make money from this.

In addition, it’s such a very simple business to get into, and it really does open up so many income opportunities, some of which you may not even yet be aware of.

I know I have truly over-delivered creating this 31-day training program…

… And, if I’m being completely honest with you, I know there will be a few gurus out – there who sell eBooks and eCourses and other types of membership sites online – who may not be so pleased with me for revealing so much in The Fighter Jet Formula…

… But listen, I am not worried about them. Right now, this is all about YOU… And helping YOU get started in this wonderful online world of information publishing.

So, What’s The Deal For This Exclusive

Fighter Jet Formula Package?

Surprisingly a lot, lot less than I bet you’re thinking of right now.

In fact, you are going to be very pleasantly surprised … I guarantee it. Before I tell you however, I should let you know about something else which I’m including with the program with my compliments when you get your copy today.

When I put this Fighter Jet Formula package together, I wanted to do a really good job. I wanted to give you something which would really help you get easily started into this wonderful business in the shortest possible time.

So along with the core training program I’m going to give you the following items…

Bonus 1: The High Converting Simple, Sales Letter Template

In order to sell your information products to your customers, you’re going to need something called a salesletter (much like the one you’re reading right now), to explain the benefits of your product and make your offer.

Because I want you to have everything you need to get started… As a bonus you’re going to also get a fill-in-the-blanks sales-letter template that you can use to quickly and easily create an advertisement for your profitable package. This way, you can be up and running in minutes rather than days, because all you have to do is fill in the blanks!

Bonus 2: The Profitable Info Product Checklist

While your 31-day guide gives you a complete step-by-step process for going from zero to making your first sale online – to help ensure no single step is missed, just print off this handy checklist so you don’t miss anything. Simple!

Bonus 3: How To Create A Jaw Dropping Lead Magnet

While some people will visit your website and will instantly want to become customers, others may need a little more time to make up their mind… And may require some additional reassurance that they’re making the right decision making a purchase.

The best way to help these prospects overcome any concerns is to immediately provide value to them for free.

Demonstrate to them just how good your information is by offering a free special report in return for their contact information… And then follow up with your prospect by email. And that’s what this mini-guide explains and gives you an easy-to-follow, four-step process for creating profitable free reports in much the same way as the main guide shows you how to use ready-made content for the paid product (using a secret UBI technique).

Bonus 4: 50 Templates You Can Use To Create Infor Product Titles That Rocket Your Conversions

One of the keys to creating a profitable offer is to be sure you have compelling titles for each individual piece, as well as the package as a whole.

That’s why you’re going to love these 50 titling templates, which makes it quick and easy for you to come up with all the compelling names for your new product offers!

Bonus 5:  40 Stunning Ways To Use PLR Content

Throughout the main guide, you’ll discover how to take existing ready-made content (written by other people) and then get written permission to turn this content into a profitable package of products that you can sell online and keep 100% of the profits.

However, that’s not the only way to use this type of ready-made content…

The truth is, you can use it to create other types of products, build relationships with your audience, and even generate traffic with it. This list gives you 40 ideas that you can put to work in your business – starting immediately.

Each of these bonus items could actually be sold as a stand-alone product in its own right, but instead I would like to give them to you with my compliments when you request your copy of The Fighter Jet Formula today.

Okay Shane, Count Me In… But How Much Is The Fighter Jet Formula Training Program?

Okay, fair enough. So how much is this entire 31-day training program?

How much for a program which will teach me all I need to know about the information publishing business together with an excellent bonus package of additional accessories and resources.

The bonus package and accessories I have included in this package alone are worth a lot more than today’s special price, but because I want to put this amazing information into the hands of as many people as possible right now…

Oh, and if you’re wondering how good such a product could be for such a low price, let me answer you.

Often low price means low quality, we both know that. But very occasionally you do get incredible value … this just happens to be one of those times.

Honestly, it’s a great deal, and I’m sure you already appreciate that, but if you are still unsure about either the quality or the information publishing business itself, why not take another look at those recent case studies I shared with you above – Rupen being a prime example…

They can’t all be flukes or coincidences.

However, despite all this, I’d still like to give you the chance to review the complete Fighter Jet Formula 31-day training program in privacy of your own home WITHOUT ANY RISK OR OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER.

100% RISK-FREE Money-Back Guarantee…


You don’t even have to explain to me why you don’t want to continue… or produce evidence that you’ve tried it out. NOTHING!

Furthermore, even if you do decide to request a refund, you are free to keep everything with my compliments … that’s the 31-day training program itself … And the entire contents of the Bonus Package of accessories (when you order today)… Just for taking a look at this amazing opportunity.

They’ll be yours with my compliments, whatever you decide.

Put An End To Your Money Worries Forever And Make Your Fortune On The Internet Instead…

Okay, with that said, I guess it’s now over to you.

All I can add, just in case you’re still not sure, is that I truly believe wholeheartedly that Information Marketing in this way is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make serious money.

But you have to do something about it NOW!

It’ll be no good looking back in years to come and thinking, if only…

When instead you should be retired and enjoying life the way YOU want to.

If you seriously want a stress-free, risk-free way to make Several Thousand Dollars Profit Every Month, I can tell you now … having seen virtually everything that’s been offered before … you’ll NEVER get a better opportunity than the one you have this very second.

I’m not promising this will make you a millionaire overnight, but it can show you how to get to the point at which you have no financial worries relatively quickly … and I might add, without having to work around the clock to do it!

In a nutshell, what I’d like to send to you, so you can review it and test it from the comfort and security of your own home for a whole month, is something that will show you how to plan and execute a successful mission that can generate an additional monthly income for you …which could ultimately set you upon a new path to financial independence.

It’s absolutely fascinating.

Now, that’s got to be worth at least making the effort to review this potentially life-changing information. No pressure … Just take a look at it at home and decide for yourself if it’s for you or not.

You can even ‘test fly’  the program while you’re making your mind up.

Even try it out if you like …

And it couldn’t be easier to do. In fact, all you need to do to get started is press the button below right now and securely make your request. Then immediately after your request has been processed, you will be able to instantly download everything… (Even if it’s 2am in the morning where you are right now).

Do this now and in a few minutes, you’ll have in your possession something which I can testify from my own personal experience, will get your heart racing and your mind spinning with thoughts of the lifestyle you could enjoy from running a profitable information publishing business.

The sooner you do it, the sooner you can start… and I’m not just talking about making the living you deserve but having fun doing it too.

Then get started right now and click the button above and secure your package …

Here’s to your continued success!

(Call Sign Viper) as far as it goes for your Fighter Jet Formula Training!

I look forward to seeing you ‘in class’ and being part of your success!

*’SOURCE: Yahoo Finance, May 2023.

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Click here to get The Fighter Jet Formula: Entrepreneur Course for Home Business Seekers at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The Fighter Jet Formula: Entrepreneur Course for Home Business Seekers is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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