
3 Easy Steps To Clean Your New Vaporizer | Sneaky Pete’s Vaporizer Reviews


Fury Edge

Arizer Go
Arizer Go (ArGo) Portable Vaporizer

V.A.S. (Vaping Accessory Stand)

Today I want to go over what to do when you get yourself a brand new vaporizer. You might think the best thing to do is to pack it full of flower, heat it up and start ripping it, but there are a few steps that I would recommend undertaking before you actually use your new device. Vaporizers are like any other product that is manufactured, and there is always going to be remnants of the manufacturing process on a device. Some vaporizers are definitely better than others for this and they will require very little preparation, whereas other ones need a more thorough cleaning. You can help assess this by taking a few dry pulls from your vaporizer without it being heated. If you notice very little or no flavour at all, you won’t need to do a very thorough cleaning process, but if you do taste a little something, let’s go over how to get rid of that!

Keep it green, keep it sneaky,



Step 1 – Physical Cleaning

The first thing that I do when I get any new vaporizer is to disassemble it and clean the components with isopropyl alcohol. If it has a glass stem as with a Solo 2 or something like a cooling unit on the Crafty+, I placed that in 99% isopropyl alcohol, give it a good shake for 30 seconds, then rinse it’s really well under a tap. After a rinse I always dry it in front of a fan rather than just let it air dry, as this will dry it more completely and much faster.

It’s important to not soak anything made out of plastic or with o-rings in isopropyl alcohol, but I have never ran into a single problem by giving something a quick shake and it is the best way to clean them. I do this will any stems, accessories, and anything of that sort that is included with the device, so if it says don’t put it in isopropyl alcohol I’ll leave that up to you, but I alcohol-rinse it like I described without worry.

While that is drying, let’s move on to the vaporizer itself. I take an alcohol wipe and I go over the entire exterior of the device first. Even though you’re not vaping the exterior of the device, I just feel more comfortable knowing that it has been cleaned with high strength isopropyl alcohol before I start handling it myself.

Depending on how wide the bowl is, I either get in there good with that same isopropyl alcohol wipe, or if the wipe cannot get in there properly, then I take a Q-tip soaked in isopropyl alcohol and thoroughly clean the bowl. I always do this upside down so that no liquid can run down into the device, and then leave it upside down for a minute or two for the alcohol to completely evaporate.

Step 2 – Burnoff

After everything has dried, I reassemble the vaporizer, and then I do a burnoff. Burnoffs can be very effective to get rid of any persistent manufacturing taste, but I only ever do them after I clean the device with alcohol.

When I do a burn off, I never go to the very highest temperature that a device can go to unless it has preset temperatures. I think about it like flooring the accelerator in your car; sure your car can do it, but it is certainly not going to be good for your engine to do that for a long period of time.

If it has single degree temperature control, I turn the device up to 410°F. If it only has a few settings, like with a Pax for example, then I turn it up to the highest preset temperature the device has. If it has a stem, mouthpiece or cooling unit, I leave that off while I’m doing the burnoff.

For your burnoff, turn your vaporizer on and let the device get up to temperature. I then let it go a full cycle until it automatically turns off. Next I wait a good five minutes for the device to have a chance to cool down, and then I do that process again. I don’t ever do this more than three or four times, and always allow for the device to cool down between burn off sessions so as not to not overwork it.

After the cleaning and the burnoff, let it cool right down and give it a few more of those dry pulls. You should notice that the taste has dramatically improved at this point, but if you find there’s still room for improvement, or if you just want to go that extra mile, that’s where I start doing some ghost hits to season the device…


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