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Activate The Self Healing Process Within You: Activate Your Body’s Amazing Ability To Heal Itself

Activate The Self Healing Process Within You: Activate Your Body’s Amazing Ability To Heal Itself

Product Name: Activate The Self Healing Process Within You: Activate Your Body’s Amazing Ability To Heal Itself

Click here to get Activate The Self Healing Process Within You: Activate Your Body’s Amazing Ability To Heal Itself at discounted price while it’s still available…

Activate The Self Healing Process Within You: Activate Your Body's Amazing Ability To Heal Itself

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Activate The Self Healing Process Within You: Activate Your Body’s Amazing Ability To Heal Itself is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


var weekday=new Array(“Sunday”,”Monday”,”Tuesday”,”Wednesday”,”Thursday”,”Friday”,”Saturday”)
var monthname=new Array(“Jan”,”Feb”,”Mar”,”Apr”,”May”,”June”,”July”,”Aug”,”Sept”,”Oct”,”Nov”,”Dec”)
var today=new Date()
var todayInMS=today.getTime()
var inthreedays=todayInMS+(60*60*24*-3*1000)
var newdate=new Date(inthreedays)
document.write(weekday[newdate.getDay()]+”, “)
document.write(monthname[newdate.getMonth()]+” “)
document.write(newdate.getDate()+” “)

From The Desk Of Carolyn Hansen

Re: How To Activate The Powerful Self-Healing Process Within You…

Dear Health and Wellness Seeker…

Listen. When you sell products and services in trillion dollar industries, you have an obligation to your employees and shareholders to do whatever you can legally do to promote sales and earn a profit. We all know that. And it makes sense, right? It’s just business, after all.

Hey there, I’m a long-time Holistic Health and Wellness Coach who hails from Whangarei, New Zealand.My goal: to change the paradigm of health care from sickness care to wellness care by showing people how to live longer, healthier lives.Essential to that effort is to help others avoid the many mistaken beliefs and practices that diminish health and longevity.

So why do some people find it so hard to believe that these very same industries might be holding back valuable information that may be able to keep you young longer, and fight many of the terrible diseases that threaten each one of us?

Doctors prescribe medicines that are made by the pharmaceutical companies. They have a very close working relationship with the pharmaceutical sales rep. In fact, in the United States, it isn’t unusual for sales reps to have lunch catered for a doctor’s entire office staff every time the rep stops by for a visit. I wouldn’t be surprised if the same things go on in other countries as well. When both parties are making money, there is little incentive for doctors or the pharmacy companies to change their game plan.

As humans, we actually have two different ages. One is the chronological age that increases every time our birthday rolls around. The second age is the age that our bodies feel like. And, depending upon how you are treating your body, the “feels like” age can be higher or lower than your chronological age.

We hear all the time about people living to high double and even triple digit ages. Mostly, these are people who one day woke up and decided they didn’t want to feel like their actual age. The wanted to trigger their body’s internal “fountain of youth” and turn back the hands of time, at least as far as the body’s aging process goes. You can trigger your body’s anti-aging and wellness process too, IF you know what I know.

What danger zone? If you haven’t reached age 30 yet, you are in the “low” danger zone. With just a normal amount of exercise, and a reasonable healthy diet, your body will usually maintain its natural level of health and fitness. Your muscle tone will continue to develop and, barring anything unusual happening, you’ll be in what is called “good health”.

But after age 30, things start to go downhill. The body begins the process of physical deterioration. The muscles start to degenerate, skin elasticity lessens and wrinkles begin. Our eyesight begins to fade and even our hearing begins to be less effective. Organs start to become less effective at what they do. In short, the dreaded aging process begins. But the process is so slow that we don’t really notice any big changes, just a lot of little ones that we attribute to “getting older.”

Here’s some good news!

No matter which side of the danger zone you are on, it’s not too late to reverse the aging process. You just need to decide that having your body deteriorate, and you health falter, is NOT in your future. Work with me and I can help you make each birthday just another date on the calendar.

But before I tell you HOW we can do this I’d like to spend just a moment longer reminding you about exactly WHY this is so important.

But before I tell you how I can help you fortify your body so that it is well-prepared to defend against the threat of potentially life-endangering disease,
allow me to share with you a true story about why this should matter so much to you.

After a colleague of mine read my book about the power of self-healing he was moved enough to relate to me his story.

It is just one of many tragic instances that have been endured by so many millions of people over the years.

None of whom deserved their fate.

I watched this colleague “grow up”, from a strapping young lad to a formidable, career-driven man who loved his wife and was crazy about his two kids.

As a successful chartered accountant with the highest honors, his life was the epitome of the successful career man, married with children.
He enjoyed a life the average guy would envy and many would kill for.

But something was missing from his life. Something that was a constant source of regret for his otherwise “perfect” life.

At the young age of 23 he lost his mother to cancer.

He constantly thought about his mother.

How she had missed his wedding to his beautiful wife.

He felt sad that she never had the chance to meet her grandchildren or watch them grow up.

I sense my friend’s pain, feel it almost every time we meet, and if there is one thing I can do for you today, it is this – I can
help you avoid a similar hardship. No one should have to experience the pain of losing a loved one early in life.

No one deserves the burden of cancer – not even the most hardened criminal offender.

But the news is not all bad. This is because…

The trick lies in not waiting until you are forced to take action. Because by then it is generally too late in the day to do anything but accept what
fate has brought your way.

As a fitness professional, with more than 30 years of experience, I realized recently that I was in the perfect position to teach the best
approach to fostering superior health available today. I am talking about the kind of health that makes it possible to live the FULL extent
of your natural life, without having to worry about those unnatural influences in our world that are responsible today for so much misery and death.

So I set about to create a system that would allow me to share these teachings with as many people as possible. You will find the results of my
efforts lower on this page in the form of a product I call Activate The Self Healing Process Within You. This is a program that teaches you how to regain
the level of superior health that every single one of us SHOULD be able to enjoy based on the idea that millions of years of biology has been devoted
to ensuring that very thing!

Having to resort to drugs, medicine or miracles is a sign that somewhere along the way we took a wrong step, and now it is time to take a step back
and figure out how to take advantage of the natural self-healing mechanisms that evolutionary biology has provided us with.

In fact, most of us know already that the best approach to maintaining this kind of superior health is one that is going to involve maintaining
a healthy body weight throughout life, eating a healthy diet, and having sufficient physical activity in our lives.

Most people know this already, but they fail to implement it in any way that will actually pay off in the long term.

They know the dangers associated with poor health, the destructive effects of a poor nutrition and lack of exercise, and yet here we are with the highest
incidence rates of obesity, coronary diseases, and cancer the world has ever seen, and the numbers continue to climb each decade.

Most people know the dangers of allowing their health to slide, but they simply do nothing to avert an impending catastrophy in their lives.

I don’t want that for you. This is why my goal with Activate The Self Healing Process Within You is to help align your mind, body, and soul in such
a way that motivation to take care of yourself and your loved ones is no longer an issue.

You will simply do what needs to be done to ensure the best possible level of good health.

According to the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute For Cancer Research, cancer is not a disease that strikes just anyone.
When we look at who does and who does not tend to get cancer it is very clear that the groups with the lowest incidence of disease are the ones
that have decided to take some from of action to ensure high levels of health.

This suggests that we all have tremendous control in the way our medical lives will play out – and that to benefit fully from this knowledge,
we too should take action – and the sooner the better.

We have the power to control what we eat, how much exercise we get, how we deal with stress (which is believed to be a major factor
in controlling cancer cell proliferation), how much quality sleep we get, and how to live a lifestyle that encourages superior health rather than disease.

When you follow the philosophy outlined in Activate The Self Healing Process Within You your body have a much better chance of benefiting from the kind
of healthy immune system that is able to recognize cancer cells and take the appropriate action long before they have the opportunity to mutate
into something dangerous. This is, after all, part of the normal operation of a fully functional immune system.

Listen. You already know that you cannot buy back your health. No amount of money can return your body to its
healthy state once cancer or another dehibilitating disease strikes. This is why MAINTAINING superior health should be the number one strategy
when it comes to preparing your body to deal with the threat of all types of chronic and life-threatening diseases.

So my question to you now is simply this: Are you ready to tap into the power of your self-healing processes so as to MAXIMIZE your level of health?

For the first time ever, you will learn the best techniques for preparing your body to defend itself against disease no matter
how insidious the threat. All made possible by following these 100-percent totally natural strategies, devoid of any form of drug, chemical
intervention, or life restricting techniques.

This course contains several components for building and maintaining superior health by tapping into your body’s natural self-healing process…

As you go through these course materials, I promise you that the information here, when implemented as suggested, will be life changing and
you will enjoy greater health like never before.

That’s because I am 100 percent confident that your body has the potential, the power, to slow down the aging process and restore itself to a level
of wellness that it may no longer be experiencing. The book is simply the “instruction manual” for making it all happen.

The truth is, if you lived in my town, and were a member of my health club, you wouldn’t need this program. That’s because, like I said earlier,
I practice what I teach. I live the healthy lifestyle you need to live if you want beat back the aging beast and engage your body’s wellness engine.
My club members know that and they are happy to follow my lead.

But you don’t live in my town, and you are not a member of my club, and you may never meet me personally. So, it is very important that you get your
copy of Activate The Self Healing Process Within You so you can start up your anti-aging and wellness motor.

Let’s look in closer detail at what you will find within these course materials:

This is the most important component in the entire course. In this book, you will discover how you can revamp your body’s vital defenses
against disease and fine-tune your understanding of all things disease related without requiring a PHD in medical science or surgery.

Here’s what you will discover in the primary section of the course:

This series from Dr. Patrick K. Porter (PhD) is designed to go hand in hand with my book and further helps to
secure your understanding of what it takes to maximize your disease-fighting abilities and attain the greatest possible level of health.

By working closely with brainwave entrainment leader Dr. Patrick K. Porter (PhD), I have been able to come up with a series of relaxation
exercises to help the listener take these powerful life-changing health principles to a deeper lever. Each session guides the
listener though a series of healthy brain exercises using Dr. Porter’s exclusive NeuroSensory Algorithms™ (NSA) for advanced brainwave

As you sit back, listen and learn the stresses of your life slowly melt away as you focus on each of the empowering principles.

One of the main reasons why I put this course together is because I’m deeply passionate about saving lives.

The possibility of a life-threatening disease
is NOT something you should take lightly. The last thing you want is to be in the position where you are scrambling to find information
to avoid what might be coming when some dreaded disease is already at your door.

It is often too late by that time.

Definitely not worth the mental anguish and painful trauma you and your loved ones will go through.

If you are diagnosed with cancer or any other form of chronic life-threatening disease now, there’s no reason why you should not get this course right away.

If you are not yet the recipient of this kind of bad news, now is the best time for you to fortify yourself against such threats. Arm yourself to the teeth.

Do whatever it takes because life is precious.

But that’s not all…

If you are still debating whether or not you really need to know the information contained inside
Activate The Self Healing Process Within You let me ask you one final question that should help you settle the debate…

How much is your life worth to you?

How much are the lives of your loved ones worth?

Is any of it worth gambling over?

Are you prepared to risk having to pray for second chances or would you prefer to safeguard against a negative outcome all together?

Take a moment and consider the fact that this is YOUR LIFE we are talking about.

My advice? Don’t even let a fraction of doubt steer you away from getting this information right now.

And to make sure that even the money issue is put aside…

Have another look at what you will be getting today:

This is information that you have to have and that others have benefited from.

No Nonsense!


No-nonsense and hard-hitting is the style of “Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” and that is what sets this series apart from anything else I’ve
ever seen on the subject of dealing with chronic disease – something that others routinely tip toe around!

While many tread too lightly and avoid facing the true reality of having to deal with a potentially devastating disease, Carolyn has laid it all
out in easy to absorb, factual material that incorporates not only the physical aspects of lifestyle habits for health and wellness, but also the highly
critical concepts of positive attitude, gratitude and optimism. This series is truly a life-impacting journey!

Stephanie Mulac



All disease and especially cancer is a physical manifestation of internal conditions within the body, mind, and spirit.

Carolyn Hansen’s book “Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” is an extraordinary tool to support everyone to live a long and healthy life.
I highly recommend it!

Dr. Joe Rubino
Chief Inspiration Officer,

I Loved This!


The threat of a chronic disease is something that scares us all, but Carolyn has managed to write a book which allays that fear and shows us a way
defend against it to the best of our ability. I loved the section explaining the differences between sickness care and wellness self-care.

This is not just a book about managing and defending against life-threatening disease states, it’s an all-round ‘keep yourself healthy’ book,
which will help you for the rest of your life.

Steven Aitchison
Top UK blogger

So Impressed!


I have been following Carolyn’s work over the past couple of years. I am so impressed with her passion in helping others reach their full potential.

I have to say when I read “Activate The Self Healing Process Within You” I thought now here is a book anyone who wishes to defend themselves from the diseases
of the modern world needs to read and then apply the health strategies she has laid out. I believe that she has found the missing link to revitalizing
the self-healing properties of the human body.

If you need a time-tested guide to creating superior health you have found it in Carolyn’s book. If you have a loved one who has a chronic disease
or is in recovery this is a must read. From the first chapter to the last she has packed this book with insightful tips. Thank you Carolyn for your
time and effort and helping so many people to create health by transforming fear into personal power!

Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D.
Best Selling Author of
“Awaken the Genius, Mind Technology for the 21st Century”

Get Empowered!


I have lost some very important people to cancer; I was thrilled to see that you had included the importance of mindset.

When we finally open our eyes to see how interconnected mindset, beliefs, emotions and health are, we become empowered – completely empowered.

Kristen Howe

To Be Commended!


If just one person reading this book obtains significant health benefits from following a healthier lifestyle, then it has done its job.

We all have family members that could live longer and better lives if they would change their eating and lifestyle habits. Carolyn’s lifetime
of work in promoting healthier lifestyles is to be commended.

Wade Glass
Chartered Accountant, Auckland, New Zealand

She continues to amaze me!


I have known Carolyn as her health advisor for about ten years. She continues to amaze me with her understanding of wellness and her never
ending quest to be continuously striving to be “better”. It is this passion to excel that has won her body building competitions in the past.
Her enthusiasm to achieve peak health for herself and others around her compels her to take this message of “health and wellness” with this
book to a wider audience.

Cancer is a dreadful disease which brings a premature end to many lives. Leading a proactive, “healthy lifestyle” can minimise the risk of
cancer as well as other diseases of modern times like obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

The pursuit of health has many components and in this book Carolyn details the importance of the lifestyle choices we make and their impact
on our “wellness profile”. There is no substitute for good nutrition with our diets. Movement and exercise is an integral part of fitness
and minimising disease.

There are several positive research studies now linking the role of exercise with disease prevention. Getting rid of addictions like smoking,
alcohol, negative emotions and having strategies to dissipate stress and build resilience are the other key components in this equation.

We are now armed with the knowledge of the human genome and the impact to environmental influences in our genes. For the first time we are
now able to understand the power of making “good choices” to modulate our gene pool positively towards a healthy and disease free life.

This book translates all this information in an easy to read manner that can be assimilated in our lives – making our lives healthier
and meaningful for ourselves, our family and the community.

I wish Carolyn all the success in her mission to make a “meaningful difference” to people’s lives with this book.

Integrative Medicine Specialist

As you have seen above, I could easily charge so much more for this powerful, lifesaving information…

But I want YOU to get started immediately, in the comfort of your own home, and I have faith that you will be able to live
a healthier life and take steps today to reduce your odds of contracting a life-threatening form of cancer.

And here’s why: If there is one thing I have learned after publishing thousands of articles and books, it’s that people are skeptical. And why shouldn’t you be? You have been let down by promises before.

So, just to make sure there is NOTHING stopping you from living the healthy, youthful lifestyle you are dreaming of, I’m offering this No Questions Asked 100% 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

That’s right. If Activate The Self Healing Process Within You is everything I said it is; if it isn’t everything you HOPED it is, just let me know within 60 days and I’ll give you back every penny of the money you paid. And you can keep all of the FREE gifts I included.

So, to sum it all up…

The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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Click here to get Activate The Self Healing Process Within You: Activate Your Body’s Amazing Ability To Heal Itself at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Activate The Self Healing Process Within You: Activate Your Body’s Amazing Ability To Heal Itself is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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