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How to Hypnotise People

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How to Hypnotise People

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The Complete Beginners Guide to Genuine Hypnosis

From: Steven Hall MCOH MASC – Master Hypnosis Trainer and NLP Coach

A Special message to anybody that wants to know how to hypnotise people:

Welcome, my name is Steven Hall,

On the 3rd March 1992, I said a sentence that completely changed my life.

That sentence catapulted me into an incredibly rewarding career, it brought me fame and fortune, gave my life purpose, opened a treasure trove of mind expanding possibilities and proved that hypnosis is real.

I will share that precious sentence with you in just a moment, but first I want to make sure that you’re in the right place…

What you’re about to discover will transform you into a genuine hypnotist. This works. I know it works because of that sentence! Since uttering those precious words all those years ago I’ve not only transformed myself into a hypnotist, but I have gone on to teach over ten thousand people how to hypnotise.

Most of my students are complete beginners with absolutely no previous experience of hypnosis whatsoever, others come to me after trying to hypnotise people for years without success, and a few of my students are already very successful hypnotists that are looking to refine their skills and expand their hypnotic repertoire.

So before we go on, let’s make sure you’re in the right place…

I’ve been teaching hypnosis for almost 30 years. One of the things I’ve noticed about the vast majority of my students is that they don’t believe that they’ll be able to do it.

When I first started I didn’t believe I’d be able to do it. In fact, I really struggled to accept that it was real. My mind was split. Sometimes I thought that hypnosis was fake and other times I thought that it was some kind of psychic power.

Either way, I never expected that I’d be able to do it.

So, if you’re worried that you won’t be able to hypnotise people, don’t worry you’re in very good company. We’ve all been there. I can assure you that when you follow my techniques you will be able to hypnotise people. But I don’t just want you to take my word for it. I’d like to quickly introduce you to a few of my students, then I’ll tell you that magical sentence that I uttered by chance in 1992 that started all of this!

Let me tell you something, this stuff works! I hypnotized my mom within 30 minutes and it was easy.

I relaxed her and went through the script, within minutes she had rapid eye movements. I told her to imagine walking through a calming forest and she now feels much better and much more confident.

I’ve also successfully hypnotized my brother and next I plan to get him to quit smoking. This is awesome!

I was just as shocked as my subject when I successfully hypnotized her within minutes! I didn’t think it’d work and I’d be practicing for months!

I’ve always been fascinated with hypnosis but never imagined I would be able to do it. When I read in your book about how simple it can be, I still didn’t expect it to work, but it did!

I can’t tell you how great this feels! You’ve opened up a whole new world that I only wish I’d discovered years ago! Thank you so so much!

Now, let me set the scene, as I take you back to that momentous day in 1992.

I was on holiday in France with my sister and several of her friends. At the time I was already completely obsessed with hypnosis, I’d religiously studied hypnotic language patterns and even crafted my own induction script. But I’d never hypnotised anybody. I still wasn’t sure if hypnosis was real and I was too scared to try it because I didn’t expect it to work.

Then, on the 3rd of March 1992, exactly one month after my 18th birthday, while we were relaxing in our villa, Mark (a friend of my sisters that I’d never met before) noticed the pile of hypnosis books that I’d brought with me. He picked one up, casually flicked through it, glanced up at me and asked, “Will you hypnotise me?”

I felt my heart quicken as I started to panic. I wanted to say no, and retreat into my comfort zone. But it was obvious from his question that he believed I could do it. Mark didn’t know me. He didn’t know I’d never done it before. He obviously expected it to work. This was my chance!

I tried to hide my growing fear as I tossed him a casual, “Sure”.

Over the following 10 to 15 minutes I guided Mark into a state of relaxation, and began reading out my script. Mark immediately started showing signs of trance, I could see his eyes moving under their lids, his face flushed red, and his body slumped in the chair like a limp wet rag, completely devoid of tension.

I gave Mark some simple commands that he readily followed. I said that his hand was beginning to rise, as though a balloon filled with helium was tied to his finger. His finger twitched at my suggestion. Then his entire hand lifted into the air. I told him that the number 4 was completely erased from his mind and watched as his tried counting his fingers over and over, getting more and more confused each time he reached the number 6.

Although everything suggested that Mark was in trance, I still didn’t believe that it was real. I thought he was faking. I expected him to suddenly point at me, laugh, and tell me that it was all nonsense and that hypnosis wasn’t real.

Then I said the sentence that changed everything.

“You are getting colder and colder.”

Mark was wearing a short sleeved shirt, so I could see his bare arms. Within moments of my suggestion I noticed all of the tiny hairs on his arms rising to attention. He started to shiver and his skin prickled into goosebumps!

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

The temperature in the room hadn’t changed at all, and it definitely wasn’t cold. But Mark’s body was reacting as though it was. He was having a physiological response to a suggestion that wasn’t true. It was amazing. But it gets better…

I switched my suggestion from cold to hot. Telling him that with each breath he’d become hotter and hotter.

Immediately, the goosebumps went away, the tiny hairs lay back down, he stopped shivering and as I watched in utter amazement beads of sweat started to trickle from his brow. Within moments of my suggestion he was actually sweating.

I’ve told this story many times, and every now and then a person says “That proves nothing, I can fake goosebumps.” but Mark definitely wasn’t faking. I’ve never met a person that was able to fake goosebumps as quickly as Mark’s appeared, and I’ve never met a person that can switch from goosebumps to sweating like Mark did!

This was absolute proof that hypnosis is real. And, much more importantly for me, I made it happen!

I have to admit, I was lucky. Mark is a fantastic hypnotic subject. He goes into trance quickly and deeply. But when I tried using the same induction on other people it didn’t always work. Thankfully, having seen Mark’s reaction I knew that hypnosis was real. I just had to improve my script so it’d work on more people.

I practiced on my work colleagues and friends every single day. I faithfully recorded everything in my journal, constantly testing and tweaking my inductions. With resolute determination I strived to perfect my technique.

Over time, I developed my skills to a level where I felt confident that I could perform a genuine hypnotic stage show to the paying public. I asked a local bar if I could put on a show. They agreed and I performed my very first public hypnosis stage show. It was such a rush!

One evening, after a show, somebody approached me and asked if I had any books on stage hypnosis that he could borrow. He was already a hypnotherapist but wanted to take his skills onto the stage. I didn’t have anything, but I told him my story and when I mentioned my journal he asked to borrow it. We exchanged details and I sent him my trusty journal. A few days later he called and told me that it was the best thing he’d read on hypnosis and implored me to publish it.

I took his advice, and after a lot of organisation I transformed my faithful old journal into a step-by-step guide to hypnosis for beginners. I began printing copies and selling them on auction sites, then later had it converted into a PDF so that people were able to download it instantly.

Your book is in my opinion the best book in the market about the basics of Hypnosis.

Within a week of reading your book I was able to Hypnotize a friend.

I have read other books on the subject and they just don’t measure up. There is a lot of junk out there, but your book is the real deal. Thank You

I found ‘How to hypnotize’ extremely useful. It had excellent information on hypnosis and how to use it.

I was hypnotizing people using Steven’s excellent progressive relaxation script within one day.

I successfully hypnotized my first subject using your book. He was hypnotized to a very deep trance and I was able to suggest he forgot his name and a number. It’s a great feeling to achieve this.

Excellent! Covers the subject from start to finish. I have seen others but in my opinion this is well in front. Fantastic is an understatement!

While studying to become a qualified Hypnotherapist I found Stevens E-Book immensely useful, it blows away a lot of mysticism and explains the art of Hypnotism in a clear, logical and simplistic way.

Fully recommend this E-book to budding Hypnotists everywhere.

I have found your book amazing. I have used my wife as a subject and have had wonderful results. I have also hypnotized my wife’s mother to help her relax, very successfully so far. I really can’t praise your book enough. Thank you!

Most of my readers were complete beginners, but this next comment is from somebody that was already working as a stage hypnotist. This is what he had to say about my book…

As a fan of hypnosis, I’ve read many books, both introductory and advanced, and have found that they all lack the one thing that this e-book has:

Simple, easy to understand instructions that really work!

You can easily read this material and be hypnotizing people within the hour!

My special power is taking a complex subject and making it simple. I’ve always been a natural teacher and have a gift for explaining things in a way that anybody can easily understand. This is something I’m very aware (and proud) of. I love to teach. Especially a subject that my students have really struggled to grasp in the past. Advanced hypnotic language patterns definitely fall into this category.

Many of my students are completely overwhelmed by advanced hypnosis. So I decided to make it simple.

I created a brand new guide, especially for beginners, that makes learning advanced hypnosis easy.

This step-by-step guide covers more advanced hypnosis concepts, inside you’ll discover…

Like many of my students, Jean-Davis (below) had read lots of other books but was still really struggling. I truly believe that being able to simplify complex subjects is the secret to my success as a teacher, and the reason that many of my students find it easy to hypnotise people using my techniques.

Since I started to learn hypnosis (last year), I read almost a dozen books on the subject but none of them seemed to be made for beginners like me. It’s only when I came across your book that I could finally get a clear idea of hypnosis as a complete and fluid whole.

Moreover, I found inside the book the most comprehensive instructions I could find about such seemingly complex subjects as embedded commands or linguistic bridges. Thanks Steven: you made these principles far simpler than I thought they were, and I’m having a lot of fun practicing them!

Like Jean-Davis, Doctor Valenti also commented on how easy it is to understand my work. As I say, making things simple enough for anybody to fully grasp, while still covering all of the complex essentials is one of the most valuable skills that any teacher can have. It really does make learning easy.

The most comprehensive, easy to read and easy to understand book on hypnosis by far. It’s simplicity and impact taught me the fundamentals and a working knowledge of hypnosis the first time I sat down with it. Thanks!

Deborah (below) is a lot more experienced that most of my students. I think it’s important for new students to read feedback from more experienced people, like Deborah (and professional stage hypnotist Lee Davis that we met earlier). If they’re impressed, you know it’s good stuff!

I have a life-long fascination with hypnotism: I’ve read many books, even designed scripts for self-hypnosis. I’m very impressed with your material. Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and consideration.

Perhaps the most exciting area of hypnosis is rapid hypnosis.

Rapid hypnosis is expertly used by mental illusionists, such as David Blane and Derren Brown. Derren Brown often uses a style of rapid induction that combines shock with a pattern interrupt to gain access to a person’s subconscious mind and then quickly plant a suggestion using an embedded command. He layers this with several hypnotic language patterns to get people to do things that look like psychic mind control to anybody that doesn’t understand how hypnosis works.

On episode 3 from series 4 of Derren Brown: Mind Control, Derren used a combination of hypnotic patterns to get a cashier to pay out on a losing ticket at Walthamstow Greyhound track. In my step-by-step guide to rapid hypnosis, I break down exactly what Derren is doing and why it works. I think this is a fascinating demonstration of the power of hypnosis. It’s something that most hypnotists wouldn’t do, as it is very dishonest, but for educational purposes it’s absolutely brilliant.

This guides reveals the most closely guarded secrets of rapid hypnosis. You’ll discover the most dynamic and impressive hypnotic inductions used for stage and street hypnosis, as well as ‘mind-control’ techniques used by mentalists like Derren Brown and David Blane.

You have a way with explanation that’s just shockingly fantastic, it’s very easy to make sense of it all. I really feel I’m going somewhere.

I’m 23 years old and I have been researching hypnosis for 3-4 weeks now and I can successfully use rapid inductions.

If you are looking to learn how to hypnotise people in a moment’s notice? Well, you’ve found just the book for you. Everything you need to enjoy the art that is Hypnosis.

This has to be one of the best books I have read regarding how to learn hypnotism. Would recommend to any one interested in this subject. Great book, loved it

I have read MANY books on hypnosis, this is the first one that clarified what is called the ‘Critical Factor’ and it’s importance in the process

What an inspiring and interesting book! How to hypnotize was explained clearly and in a simple easy-to-understand way. Thanks Steven for a great lesson!

I want to take a moment to assure you that you can do this. Above anything else, the most common thing I hear from new students is that they do not believe that they will be able to do it, and then the do! There are 3 types of people that take my course…

Whichever group you are in, you can do this! After making your payment you will be able to download the complete course immediately. You can get started in minutes! You could even hypnotise somebody today! Many people just like you have been exactly where you are right now.

The following review comes from a very famous hypnotist, Nathan Thomas. Nathan is the founder of the International Association for Teenage Hypnotists and very well respected throughout the hypnotic community. He is widely considered to be one of the top hypnotists in the world.

But when he approached me he was just a 15 year old boy with a very strong desire to discover the secrets of hypnotism. This is what he had to say about my course…

Steven Hall’s training program must be the first real hypnosis course I ever studied that didn’t scoot over the vital parts, and actually taught me what I wanted to know.

Steve is great at explaining things, and has the rare skill of balancing detail and brevity, so you learn all you need to know quickly, and can begin applying what you learned immediately.

To any new hypnotists looking for a solid foundation, or even experts looking for some fresh ideas (Steve’s full of them) and an interesting new perspective, I am very happy to recommend this course!

Each hypnosis guide has been converted into a PDF document, so you don’t need to wait for delivery, you can download your complete hypnosis course immediately and get started today!

Your complete hypnosis course includes everything you need to become a true master of hypnosis,
even if you have absolutely no experience. Everything you need is included in an easy-to-understand step-by-step format that transforms the complex and fascinating art of hypnosis into something that anybody can do.

I want to make sure that you have everything you need to become a complete master of hypnosis, that’s why I’m also including the following bonuses completely free when you place your order today…

Think of this as your Tool-Box of scripts that you can dip into whenever you need. There are dozens of scripts for all occasions, including trance inductions, deepeners, therapy scripts and even scripts designed specifically for children.

You can use these ‘as is’ on your clients, or just sit back and read through them, noting the language patterns used. Doing this will really help you to develop your own script writing abilities.

This fascinating guide contains 148 fully scripted sessions. It’s the ultimate ‘Fly-On-The-Wall’ experience.

Reading through the transcripts is not only fascinating, but it will also really add to your knowledge, understanding and flexibility as a hypnotist.

This is another guide that I was so impressed with that I purchased a license that grants me permission to offer it to you.

It’s VERY hands on, gradually guiding you through a series of progressive exercises to help you really understand hypnosis.

This approach is completely different to mine but complements it really well.

Place your order via our secure server. We use ClickBank to process payments. Click on the link below to place your order. You will be able to download your hypnosis course immediately after making payment. Each guide has been converted into a PDF eBook.

Created by Steven Hall MCOH MaSC

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