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What’s He Really Thinking LFSL is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


After hundreds of conversations with my female clients, I began to notice a predictable pattern emerging…

Almost every single woman I talked to mentioned one of these five frustrations when they told me about their male partner…

1 “Why doesn’t he listen to me?”

2 “Why does he say one thing and do another?”

3 “Why doesn’t he just tell me what he’s thinking?”

4 “Why doesn’t he just talk to me?”

5 “Why can’t we communicate without getting into an argument?”

Do any of these feel familiar to you?

If so, you may believe that… men just don’t like expressing their feelings.

You may even think men are just born this way and so there’s nothing they can do to change.

And so you may have even given up trying to connect with your man, because you believe there’s simply no point.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Well I’m here today to tell you that the real reason you don’t understand men is…

Because YOU are NOT a man!

(Thank goodness, right?!)

You’re seeing the world through the eyes of a woman, so you’re only getting half the picture.

If you really want to understand your man, you need to see the world through his eyes.

By the way… this is NOT something your girlfriends can help you with.

(While it might feel really good to vent your frustrations – your girlfriends can’t possibly give you a man’s unique perspective.)

Preferably a man who’s spent two decades helping couples understand each other, communicate more effectively, and have more fun together.

Hello, my name is Bob Grant – I’m a therapist, a Licensed Professional Counselor, and a relationship coach.

Over the last 20 years I’ve helped hundreds of women experience more rewarding and satisfying relationships with their men.

In fact, I’ve been nicknamed The Relationship Doctor because I’m able to revive relationships that are on the brink of death!

Recent research proves what you probably already suspected:

Men don’t think like women.

It has to do with the way male and female brains are built.

Most women know absolutely nothing about it – and it shows in the ways they interact with men.

Secretes HIGH levels of oxytocin, the “love” hormone

Secretes HIGH levels of serotonin, the “happy” hormone

Seeks to nurture the group through intimacy & cooperation

Uses language to connect and bond – relaxes by talking

Secretes LOW levels of oxytocin, the “love” hormone

Secretes LOW levels of serotonin, the “happy” hormone

Seeks to prove self-worth through competition

Uses language to create boun­daries – relaxes with silence

In the next few minutes I’ll show you how you can easily develop an almost magical ability to know what your man is thinking, understand his actions, and interpret his often confusing behaviors.

I’m talking about things like…

How to “decode” his body language and translate his “man-speak.” (He won’t have a clue what you’re doing differently, but in just minutes he’ll feel closer to you than ever before.)

How to get him to really listen to you, instead of just telling you how to “fix” the problem

Little-known ways to make any man a superstar in bed… without even having sex!

How to tell in just a few dates if he’s serious about you. (A priceless time and emotion-saver!)

What amazing women do that make them irresistible to men. (You can begin using these ideas tonight.)

The key to making even the most non-committal man finally say, “I do!”

How to communicate with him without getting into an argument.

This eBook was written not only to help women just like you, but because of women just like you.

I took 20 years of the most powerful insights from my clients, and condensed them into the clearest and easiest ways to peek inside the male mind.

You can put this information to use right away and quickly discover the many ways men are predictable, and how you can use that knowledge to benefit both of you…

The #1 way to make a man want to stay with you forever – and it’s NOT sex! (See page 59)

9 out of 10 women make THIS crucial relationship blunder – but you can learn how to avoid being one of these unlucky ones on page 10.

15 things he REALLY wishes you knew about him… find them on page 27.

Should you stay or should you go? Doing this ONE thing will instantly reveal his true intentions. (See page 16)

Is the bickering making you crazy? When you understand THIS FACT about men, you’ll know EXACTLY how to stop fights before they start. So powerful on page 15!

3 simple (and sneaky) steps to make any man do what you want. So subtle, he’ll think it’s his idea! (See page 58)

He finally opened up to you, but now he won’t return your calls. DON’T WORRY… IT’S NOT YOU! Find out how to help him overcome his relationship fears and keep your sanity on page 87.

How to make sure he’ll want to see you again. See my tips for turning an ordinary date into a night he’ll always remember on page 88.

Crucial relationship truths every woman in love must learn. Understanding these essential “love lessons” will fast-track your relationship to success. (See page 29)

Sure-fire ways to pick the perfect man for a lifetime of togetherness and bliss. Yes, it really can be done, and it’s on page 47.

How to help him feel in-control… without you being a pushover! Tap into the forces of Mother Nature and win every time with what’s on page 72.

Before you waste your time, make sure he passes this “good husband” test. (See page 101)

“I love the book.  I have made bad choices and I was not aware why things never worked out.  With this book, I can see my mistakes and it gives me new hope.”

— Lisa Andersen

Yuba City, CA

“I read What Is He Really Thinking? and I thought, “what have I been thinking?’  Bob’s book helped me to re-evaluate how I respond, and to see how my misperceptions have led me to see many of the men I have dated in the wrong light.  The book makes it seem so simple!  It’s helped me to gain a new perspective that has made a big difference in my current relationship!!”

— Dana Alison

St. Louis, MO

“Reading this book helped me to get rid of a lot of previous assumptions that I made about men.  It opened my eyes and caused me to really think twice about the way that I judged things that guys do or say. My boyfriend has already noticed a big difference. I guess that’s why he’s started spending more time with me :-). Thanks Bob!”

— Mandy

Dalton, GA

“I was reading through What Is He Really Thinking? and laughed my head off when I got to the part about how men focus on just one thing at a time. It explained so much! Now I know how to get his attention pretty much whenever I want. Thanks so much.”

— Tiffany

Greenville, SC

“What Is He Really Thinking? provided me with specific insights into the male mind that I was unaware of, and helped me clear up a few misconceptions that I had about men in general.  I have been using some of the principles I learned, and what a huge difference it has made in my relationship. My significant other has noticed some subtle changes and commented on how much he likes the changes. Thank you Bob Grant!”

– Allyson

(City/State withheld by request)

No longer do you have to feel uncertain about what your man really means…

No longer will you have to spend hours worrying about how to “interpret” something your man said to you (or didn’t say)…

Beginning in the next few minutes, you can gain a clearer understanding of the man you love.

You’ll quickly discover the many ways men are predictable, and how you can use that knowledge to benefit both of you.

In fact, while you’re reading What’s He Really Thinking?, you’ll feel as if you’re in a private session with me.

When you start putting the information to use, it’ll be like having me by your side…

Tugging on your sleeve…

Telling you all the right things to say and do…

Whispering in your ear the secrets that will change his moods, make him cooperative, understand your feelings, and see you for the wonderful woman you are!

Plus… what you learn in this “complete guide to male behavior” will help you have better relationships with all the men in your life – husband, boyfriend, boss, brother, son – even your father!

What you’ll be learning about men will cause you to see them, and interact with them, in new and positive ways.

And men will notice. They will respond to you differently. They will realize that you’re not like any other woman they’ve met.

Now I realize that this is a lot of power to have – but it’s a power that’s been denied to women like you for too long.

For far too long, women have been led to believe that they have little or no power in their relationships with men.

It’s time to change that – and I’m going to help.

It’s time for you to take the power that you have within you, and use it to create a stronger, closer, more loving, and more satisfying relationship with the man you love.

Right now, the most important man in your life may be feeling misunderstood… maybe even unloved.

He may even be wondering if there’s any point in you being together.

He may be thinking of moving on, getting out, or giving up – or simply questioning the relationship.

Maybe he’s simply unsure and he’s bouncing around his thoughts and feelings… waiting to see what you do next.

Think this can’t happen to you?

I see it all the time in my private practice! 

Even in a great relationship, there are many times that your man will have these kinds of negative thoughts.

It’s just how the male mind works – always looking for what’s WRONG and what could FAIL next – and if you’re not aware of this, you could find yourself single once again.

Instead–after I’m done teaching you… you’ll know how the right words could change his mind.

How the right gesture could transform your relationship and make it stronger than it ever was.

You’ll know what to say and how to say it.

You won’t simply hear his words – like most other women may – but you’ll actually hear and understand the intention behind those words… the only part that really matters!

I know you’ll absolutely flip from the things I reveal to you, that I’ll let you download and read What’s He Really Thinking? for a full 7 weeks without risk, like I have for thousands of women worldwide…

I’m so confident What’s He Really Thinking? is going to work for you I’m going to give you the opportunity to put this valuable knowledge to work at NO RISK to you.

Click the button below to download What’s He Really Thinking? and read it from cover to cover. Then put any or all of the tested relationship tips and techniques to work for you for the next 7 weeks.

If, after a full 7 weeks – 49 days — you don’t believe you’ve completely gained an entirely new way to interact with men on a level that most other women know nothing about, simply shoot me a quick email and say, “Kindly send a refund, Bob!” and I will cheerfully and promptly retum every penny of your purchase price via PayPal, no questions asked. It’s just that simple. I stake my national reputation on it!

Imagine being able to tell what your boss or colleague is thinking. Imagine knowing what someone is going to do before they do it. Develop the ability to read minds and watch your professional and personal life soar!

How To Get Him to Tell You What He’s Thinking – Subtle ways to get him to open up and really talk to you… and have him be more excited about your future afterwards!

What Men Crave More than Anything Else – Once a man is confident that he can get this from you, he will never want to let you go. And – SURPRISE – it’s NOT sex!

How to Always Know What He’s Thinking – Ever notice how men seem to have a silent “guy code”? Learn exactly how to break this code and decipher his thoughts.

What Will Make You Special in His Eyes – Most women don’t realize how easy it is to set themselves apart from every other woman he’s ever met or dated. But now YOU will know how. (And oh, is it ever powerful!)

Exactly What to Say When Your Man Is Quiet – Is he upset? Angry? Tired? Bored? Or is he just daydreaming? Here’s how you can find out–without prying or sounding pushy.

The 3 Qualities You MUST Display to Disarm Any Man – Every man is his own person. But every man wants his special woman to be special in these 3 ways. What are they?

Why Didn’t He Call You Back? You talked… you laughed… you both had a great time. Or so it seemed. Why some men shy away from relationships, even when things are going well… and what you can do about it.

Women are often naturally gifted with intuition – but you’ll be amazed at just how easy it is to read any male mind when you follow these four simple steps.

I’m positive that if you make a sincere effort to use this information, you will automatically begin to enjoy more satisfying, rewarding and successful relationships.

In fact, with the information I’m going to teach you, it would be nearly impossible to do anything else but to create and maintain better relationships with men.

It’s time to get off the relationship rollercoaster of uncertainty.

Dating or married, you absolutely need this “man manual” if you want to have a relationship that is better than it is now, or what you’ve had in the past.

The simple, actionable information you’ll find in What’s He Really Thinking? has already worked for hundreds of women, of all ages, and from all walks of life.

Follow my advice for handling men in What’s He Really Thinking? and you can reap the rewards, too!

Bob Grant, P.L.C.
The Relationship Doctor

P.S. It’s time to start getting the love, respect and affection you deserve – and with what you’ll learn in What’s He Really Thinking? you’ll become the most fascinating, most interesting woman he’s ever met! When you see the change in how your man interacts with you… and how the effectiveness of your communication skyrockets… you’ll be singing the praises of this incredible book, too! So click here to start reading!

P.P.S So remember… You have 7 weeks to examine What’s He Really Thinking? and put the knowledge to work for you. In all reality you won’t need anywhere near that much time to see a big change taking place in both you and your man.

But if it doesn’t work “as advertised” – for any reason whatsoever – then you are completely protected by my “No-Nonsense, You Love It or I Give You a Fast & Cheerful Refund Guarantee”. Take it for a test drive >>

© 2021 Bob Grant. All rights reserved.

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What’s He Really Thinking LFSL is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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