General Tips

Listen Your Way To Success In Network Marketing

You’re a prospecting whiz, you have no problem at all talking to strangers or anyone you daily come in contact with. You have the knowledge and excitement, you know you’re compensation plan inside out and you have the perfect presentation. All the pieces of the puzzle that contribute to success are there, except for one crucial piece. That one piece would explain why your current results are less than stellar.

In Network Marketing he who talks the most loses. People may see you as being self centered, and egotistical; that you are more concerned about yourself than them. The prospect may not even be aware of these feelings, it’s happening unconsciously.

The purpose of your business is to solve problems. Your role is that of an adviser/consultant; to discover people’s problems, needs, and values. If your business corresponds, the natural next step will be for them to enroll in your business or become a customer.

I say needs and values because how many times have you known that your business can help someone but they, for some inexplicable reason, have turned down your generous offer of help and guidance? Could it be that you never really uncovered their motivations? Without knowing their reason WHY, you may be able to get them into your business but unless they have strong internal motivation you’re building a business on quicksand. Detach yourself from the outcome and just let it flow.

Mention “more money” within the earshot of most Network Marketers and see how fast they jump all over you telling you how their business can make you rich and so on. The money that can be made, the new cars, houses, trips, and all the conspicuous ways one can spend their newfound wealth.

What about the opposite, are there people who you felt didn’t have the best chance of success but because of your aspirations you signed them up despite that glaring fact?

Let’s apply the 20/80 rule to your Network Marketing business and see how it can help your progress. How much talking are you doing compared to your prospective partner? If you are talking as much or even more than them, you are on the losing end of a valuable proposition. Try 20% asking questions and feedback with 80% listening. Your potential partners know that what they need, their history, their dissatisfaction, and their desire for change will cause them to take action.

The same approach can be used when calling leads. A simple dialog could be. “Hi, this is _____ from _____ You recently visited my web page and you wanted information about how you could increase your income working from home. How can I help you?” This is the time for them to talk and for you to actively listen.

Active listening means forgetting your agenda and as a consultant listening for what their wants and needs are. Is your business something that can be of assistance to them? When we actively listen, ask questions, and feedback on what we heard to clarify what is meant on the surface good things but it is below that almost magical things happen.

There is an energy being shared that draws people closer. You can have some of the best conversations with people. They feel more comfortable with you, no pressure for you to close or enroll anyone and you can serve people better by proposing the best solution. That solution may be a simple, “From what you are telling me this is not right for you at the moment.”

There are three levels of listening; level one listening is all about you. Your thoughts, your feelings, your agenda. It’s as if people are there to serve you and help you get ahead. You will focus on primarily the things that serve you.

Have you ever overheard two people talking and even though they are talking to each other you would swear they are having two entirely different conversations? That is one level one listening, the focus is individualized; my thoughts, my judgments, and my feelings. I’m thinking of how I am going to respond to them, what I have to say, what I think is important.

It’s all about me. We carry with us our assumptions, our truths as to how things are. Signs that show you are not listening; interrupting the person, finishing off their sentences, missing what they are saying, misinterpreting what they are saying, commenting on what they are saying and how it relates to you. Internal chatter in your mind.

Level two is about them and focused on them, you are concentrating on what they are saying and your agenda is on the back burner.

The most intense level of listening is level three, intuitive listening. Best described as when two people are in sync with each other. You listen not only to what they are saying but what they are not saying. How they say it, the pacing of their speech, body movement, and their breathing. Truly listen for what is being intended not just what is being said. You bring your senses into the experience and try to feel where they are.

There is a powerfully attractive force created when a person feels that you are truly listening to them.

How do you listen? Put everything down, stop what you are doing, and truly focus on that person. Stop the multitasking that is a part of your busy life. Then you can accomplish more. To be truly heard by another is one of the greatest gifts that we can offer someone. When on the phone if it is possible take notes of keywords or things that they have said that are of particular importance to them. Constantly ask questions and clarify what you feel you’ve heard.

What are the benefits of listening?

o You create a know, like, and trust relationship with your client.

o You make yourself special in your client’s minds.

o You give them honor and respect

o You create a bond.

Listen and everyone wins.

Source by Charles Onuoha

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