General Tips

Packing For a Day Trip With a Newborn – Top 6 Necessities

When I went to the mall for the first time with a newborn, I ended up buying more than I intended. Why? Well, I was not packed properly and had to buy a new outfit for my baby boy. (Most parents can guess as to what happened to his first outfit).

Now a seasoned mother of two, I look at that experience and smile – I may laugh someday, but not yet. With my advice, and your foresight and confidence, you will have a successful trip with your newborn. As a semi-pro, here are my top six supplies when going on a smaller trip with your newborn.

1. Baby wipes. Don’t underestimate the uses of these lovely and disposable clothes. You can use them for the obvious (diaper care) and many other issues: spit-up, eye and nose clean-up, and dirtied car seats or strollers.

2. Clothes, for you and baby. The extra outfit for the baby is handy for spit-up or leaky diapers. If you go through a couple of changes of clothes during a day at home, you might want to bring a few changes. I found that the undershirt is normally what needs to be changed so I always bring a few of those that will match the baby’s pants. You also need an extra shirt for yourself.

You could get spit up on or have a sprinkler incident during a diaper change. If you are breastfeeding, you could also have a wet shirtfront. What always happened to my shirt? While trying to juggle an unfamiliar stroller, baby, and my lunch, I ended up with my food on myself. See, spit-up isn’t always to blame.

3. Diapers. I can remember thinking, three hours? I’ll pack four because we normally go through one an hour. Pack extra–pack double. I suggest two diapers per hour you will be gone for the diaper bag. Keep extra diapers in the back of your car for true emergencies.

4. Food. Preparation is key. If you bottle feed, have your bottles and formula packed. Handing the lady at the food court a bottle and asking for water will take time, especially for a hungry baby. If you breastfeed, dress for comfort. A button-up shirt may work for you, or you may prefer a tank covered by a t-shirt. Some women like nursing capes or blankets, and some use neither. Newborns get hungry very quickly, so no matter the food source, preparation, and foresight are important.

5. Stroller. A newborn is light, right? Sure, but a diaper bag and whatever you get on your trip are not. You need both hands sometimes and a stroller helps. You can always get your baby out of the stroller, but if you don’t have one, you will have no place to put her down. If you don’t own a stroller, many places have strollers you can rent for the day. If the stroller is a bit dirty, see supply #1.

6. Small comforts. My first baby loved his Tigger toy and my second baby loved her blue blanket. Babies are in an unfamiliar place, and although adults may not always realize it, they are aware of it. Small comfort items to make the stroller ride easier help. Some babies need pacifiers for soothing. Other comfort items could be a special toy, stuffed animal, or warm hat. If you think your baby finds comfort in something and you can bring it, do so.

Hopefully, these tips guide you on your first-day trips with your newborn. Remember, with time, you too will become a pro like I am, and will not have to buy an outfit whilst at the mall to replace your newborn’s very, very soiled one.

Source by Lauralee Moss

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